Students’ Rights and Responsibilities are set forth by the University in writing in order to give students general notice of some of their rights and responsibilities at the British American University. Additional rights and responsibilities are set forth in the University publications including the Guide to Campus Life. It is students’ responsibility to be aware of all University rules and processes; students should seek advice from Student Life on Campus or from the Academic Affairs Office if they have any questions about the purposes or intent of the University rules and processes. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and reflects openness to educational experiences. Students have a right to expect the University “to deliver educational experiences that enlighten, challenge, and prepare them to lead lives of significance in the complex global communities”. Additionally, students have a right to function in their daily activities within a safe and caring campus environment.
British American University is firmly committed to principles of honor and ethical conduct as stated in the Honor Code and in the Conduct Code that all incoming freshmen sign. By enrolling in the University, students embrace the commitment to the Honor Code and Conduct Code as well as to other University expectations and responsibilities. It is the responsibility of students to act honorably in all phases of student life and to understand student rights and responsibilities as well as procedures and consequences when their behaviors do not conform to University Rules and Regulations.
Students’ Rights
British American University is a community for learning and character that supports freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom from discrimination, freedom of expression, and much more. The University seeks to maintain and support an environment where students have the rights; however, the following list of rights is not intended to be complete or exclusive as far as the University is concerned:
- Expression: Students are able to freely examine and exchange diverse ideas in an orderly manner inside and outside of the lectureroom,
- Association: Students can associate freely with other individuals, groups of individuals and organizations for purposes that do not infringe on the rights of others.
- Access: Students with a disability have the right to request for reasonable accommodations, ensuring equal access to courses, course content, programs, services, and facilities,
- Freedom of Discrimination: Students can expect to participate fully in the University community without discrimination as defined by federal, state or University regulations,
- Safe Environment: Students have a right to learn in a safe campus community,
- Discipline: Students can expect discipline and sanctions for misconduct; students have a right to fair hearing regarding misconduct,
- High Quality Resources: Students have the rights to high quality resources which support intellectual, emotional and social development,
- Counseling: Students have access to mental wellness services and programs,
- Grievance Process: Students have access to established procedures for respectfully presenting and addressing their concerns or complaints to the University,
- Learning Outside the Lecture Room: Students have access to variety of activities beyond the lecture rooms that support intellectual, spiritual and personal development,
- Education: Students should have access to extraordinary education that includes excellent faculty, academic technology, lecturerooms, libraries, and other resources necessary for the learning process,
- Personal Growth: Students should live and study in an environment that emphasizes personal growth,
- Service to the Community: Students should have opportunities to provide service to the University community and beyond,
- University Governance: Students participate in the governance of the University,
- Prompt Responses from Administration: Students have the right to expect prompt and courteous responses from the University’s academic and administrative departments, and
- Academic and Administrative Policies: Students can expect academic and administrative policies that support intellectual inquiry, learning, and growth.
Student’s Responsibilities
British American University students have a responsibility to uphold the University Honor Code, Conduct Code as well as other Rules, Requlations and Processes/Procedures of the University. When students behave contrary to University Rules and Procedures, the University will take appropriate action. British American University has the Rights and Responsibilities in order to fulfill its implied mission and vision “to deliver educational experiences that enlighten, challenge, and prepare students to lead lives of significance in complex global society”.The student’s responsibilities may be considered under the following points:
- Education: The University has the authority and responsibility to maintain order within the campus, and to exclude students who are disruptive of the educational experiences, actively engage with student’s learning, have a willingness to reflect on and question student’s experiences, and take advantage of all the resources available to the student.However, the student has the right to attend orientation sessions, participate in timetabled lectures and attend meetings with his lectueres, and academic supervisors and staff advisers. The student should ensure that he/she behaves with integrity and do not cheat, plagiarise or engage in any form of academic dishonesty and seek support to avoid doing so. The student should work to the best of his/her ability, taking responsibility for managing his/her own learning and committing sufficient time to independent study. The student should seek feedback and act appropriately upon any given, engage with available resources to enhance his/her personal development and graduate prospects,
- Student life: The student should be aware and seek to engage with extra-curricular activities provided by the University and studens’ Union (if any) as well as students’ professional associations, and additional training opportunities,
- Tuition fees and other sharges: It is the responsibility of the student to pay tuition fees and other charges in a timely manner and declare any issues at the earliest point possible,
- Studentship: Thestudent should embrace the ‘students as partners‘ culture by participating in student-led activities, and co-creating with staff opportunities that enhance what is available for himself/herself and the others,
- Self consciousness: The student should take responsibility to keep himself/herself well and safe,
- Self Support: The student has the right to raise any concerns at the earliest opportunity to facilitate any timely and appropriate support for himself/herself,
- Familiarity: The student should familiarize himself/herself with the requirements of the University policies and procedures.
- Representation: The student has the responsibility to be a positive ambassador of the University and the students’ associations acting at all times to enhance the reputation of both,
- Educational Ethics: The student has to be a critical friend to the University and hold the student representatives to account,
- Feedback: The student should give constructive and honest feedback in order to encourage positive change,
- Students Unionism/Associations: The student should be actively and fully engage with the democratic process of the students associations, particularly by voting in the student elections,
- Initiatives: The student should bring forward initiatives and contribute to positive local and national change,
- student consultations: The student should take part in student consultations in order to get the most out of your student experience,
- Communities: The student should be a role model for others, behaving with respect, dignity and courtesy to all,
- University alumni: The student should engage with the University alumni network in order to enrich his/her and future graduates’ lives,
- Respect and kindness: The student should treat both local and national residents with respect and kindness and always be upstanding citizens,
- Cultures and lifestyles: The student should recognise, respect and tolerate the varying cultures and lifestyles of your peers and of members of the University’s local communities so as to foster integration,
- University and student Unions’ value: The student should uphold the University and student Unions’ value of sustainability by making a difference as active citizens and caring for the wellbeing of others and the natural environment
- Communities Engagement: The student should engage with the communities on campus, showing respect and professionalism to all, including University and staff, and your student peers, and
- Facilities and equipment: The student should care for and protect all facilities and equipment provided by the University and students’ associations.
In other to enforce the rights, obligations and responsibilities of both the students and the University, British American University has developed what is called BAU Policy on University Obligations and Student Rights as follows: As members of the University community, students shall have the right.
(a) To participate in the governance of the University, consistent with the University’s stated goal of enhancing student participation in the governance process by seeking student opinions and viewpoints on matters affecting both their academic and non-academic experiences and especially those decisions that directly affect their welfare, through drawing upon official student representation, as well as additional means for seeking student input as appropriate;
(b) To have published annually by the University those schedules of both systemwide and campus-based fees and charges that must be paid by all students to whom the fees and charges apply as a condition of attendance. Such schedules shall not be subject to change during the year, except upon recommendation of the Chancellor or the President (as appropriate). Each campus shall issue procedures as appropriate for challenging whether a particular fee or charge is due and, if it has already been paid and is subsequently determined by the campus not to be due,for securing a refund;
(c) To have published annually by the University refund schedules for new and continuing students. This provision may also be satisfied by the publication by the University of annual written notice that such schedules are available electronically on the Internet on official University websites;
(d) Have published annually by the University information about graduation rates of enrolled students
and student-athletes, as well as information in compliance with all other notification requirements to students that may be satisfied by publication, as specified by applicable law. This provision may also be satisfied by the publication by the University of annual written notice that such information is available electronically on the Internet on official University websites;
(e) To receive annually from the University written information on campus crime statistics, as well as
information in compliance with all other notification requirements to students that rise above simple publication to require individual distribution of the information to students, as specified by applicable law. This provision may also be satisfied by the publication by the University of annual written notice that such information is available electronically on the Internet on official university websites, subject to the additional requirement that, if the campus crime statistical information is made available by posting on the Internet, notice must be provided directly to the enrolled student that includes the exact electronic address at which the information is posted, a brief description of the information, and a statement that the campus will provide a paper copy of the information upon request;
(f) To receive annually written information on the campus’ standards of conduct regarding the unlawful use, possession, and distribution of drugs, alcohol, and other illegal substances; a statement affirming that disciplinary sanctions will be imposed for violations of the standards of conduct; a description of the sanctions; and other information as specified by applicable law;
(g) To be protected against the improper collection of information on students’ political and social views, beliefs, and associations;
(h) To have access to, and be protected against the improper disclosure or withholding of, information
from student records in accord with applicable State and federal law, of these Policies, and campus implementing regulations. When the law and regulations are unclear in their application, the University shall be guided by two principles which are (i) the privacy of an individual student is of great weight, and (ii) the information in a student’s file should be disclosed to the student upon request;
(i) To have all academic decisions affecting their academic standing, including the assignment of grades,
based upon academic considerations only, administered fairly and equitably under policies established by the University Senate. In professional curricula, such decisions may include consideration of performance according to accepted professional standards. Equitable grievance procedures, established pursuant to these Policies, shall be developed in consultation with student representatives and implemented;
(j) To petition the Academic Senate on matters within the jurisdiction of the Senate;
(k) To the extent appropriate to the circumstances, to be free from University discipline for actions
committed involuntarily or under duress. However, violations committed under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or illegal substances will be subject to student disciplinary procedures;
(l) To have access to equitable grievance procedures established pursuant to these Policies;
(m) To petition for any change in these Policies, or in campus implementing regulations, through the appropriate campus office or the Office of the President;
(n) To petition to appear before the Governing Council under procedures set forth in the University
policy. Individual students are entitled to seek an appearance before the Council to speak in open committee or Council session on matters on Council’s agenda. Students must follow administrative procedures established by their respective campuses to appeal individual academic or administrative decisions relating to the above; and
(o) If registered for a current term on any University campus, to have access to basic outpatient
health care services of any other University campus, under conditions that apply to students registered on that campus.
The British American University shall make all reasonable efforts to deliver the programs of study and research opportunities and other services and facilities in the way described on its website. It will provide students with the tuition and learning support and other services and facilities it describes with reasonable care and skill. However, the University shall be entitled if it reasonably considers it to be necessary (including in order to manage its resources and pursue its policy of continuous improvement appropriately):
- To alter the timetable, location, number of lecture rooms and method of delivery of programs of study, provided such alterations are reasonable,
- To make reasonable variations to the content and syllabus of programs of study (including in relation to placements),
- To suspend or discontinue programs of study (for example, because a key member of staff is unwell or leaves the University),
- To make changes to its statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures which the University reasonably considers necessary (for example, in the light of changes in the law or the requirements of the University’s regulators). Such changes if significant will normally come into force at the beginning of the following academic year, and if fundamental to the program will normally come into force with effect from the next cohort of students, and
- Not to provide programs of study or to combine them with others if the University reasonably considers this to be necessary (for example, because too few students apply to join the program for it to be viable).
In the unlikely event that the University discontinues or does not provide a program of study or changes it significantly before it begins:
- The University will tell relevant individuals at the earliest possible opportunity. An individual will be entitled to withdraw his or her application by telling the University in writing within a reasonable time of being informed of the change,
- The University will make an appropriate refund of tuition fees and deposits paid,
- The University will make available to students such learning support and other services and facilities as it considers appropriate, but may vary what it provides from time to time (for example, the University may consider it desirable to change the way it provides library or IT support),
- Upon acceptance by an applicant of an offer of a place at the University, the relationship between the applicant and the University becomes contractual. In entering into that contract, neither the student nor the University intends that any of the terms of the contract will be enforceable by virtue of the Contracts by any person not a party to it,
- From time to time the University website may also include links to other third-party websites. These links are used to provide further information and are not intended to signify that the University endorses such websites and/or their content. The University takes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of using the linked websites or as a result of using the information published on any of the pages of the linked websites, and
- Whilst every effort is made to ensure downloadable content is free from viruses, the University cannot accept any liability for damages resulting from virus infection.