I am Prof. (Dr.) Sakiemi Abbey Idoniboye-Obu from Nigeria, and I am the Dean of the British American University Faculty of Law and Public Administration. I am also a member of the Council of the University. I welcome you to the fully Accredited University, and I am glad to tell you that you will find us excellent to associate with. As an intercontinental University, BAU takes the issue of quality education very seriously. Hence, we pursue professionalism in programs delivery vigorously. Our students learn to address the real problems of the contemporary Legal phenomena and Public Administration in general. They also gain insight into the attitudes and behaviors of people, organizations, markets and industries. Our teaching methods are fused with analysis and actions so that classes are simultaneously demanding, fun, intense, and flexible. Our goal is to create a teaching and learning environment where students learn how to tackle difficult and complex problems. Students learn what they feel like to exercise judgment, make tangible decisions, and take responsibility. The British American University is committed to academic and professional excellence in education, and our model has the whole world as our jurisdiction. Try joining us and you will be happy for your fantastic experience!

At the BAU Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology, we are a multicultural students and staff family, representing many countries and speaking many languages. During their studies here, students work with Faculty members who are nationally and internationally recognized for their research, academic and publications as well as their excellence in teaching modern Languages. Our students and graduates are among the brightest, most principled and accomplished young people of our time. We are proud to graduate people who are committed to high standards and have the capacity to work hard and be dynamic and versatile leaders not only of today but also of tomorrow.Thank you for your interest in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered by the BAU Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology. I invite you to learn more about us by reading the information contained in this website properly especially the one on the Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology Programs. If your aspirations coincide with what we offer, I encourage you to apply for admission into the Faculty without further procrastination. The Faculty has academic programs in various Departments.
The Faculty also aims at promoting, advancing and disseminating knowledge in the field of modern Languages and other Arts, Law and Criminology programs, and to explore the use of such knowledge for the advancement of the society. Also, the Faculty emphasizes an integrated approach in which students not only specialize in specific areas but also take core courses in Departments within and outside the Faculty. In addition, the Faculty places high premium on social research and organization of conferences, seminars, workshops and symposia for the advancement of knowledge and the society generally. The Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology at the British American University (BAU) offers various courses in Arts, Law and Criminology that provide students with a sound general education supplemented by the information technological skills required in today’s work environment. Major courses offered in the Faculty are:
Department of Law and Criminology
Department of Public Administration

The Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology and Law at BAU will improve the training in Arts, Law and Criminology through the discovery and dissemination of various skills and knowledge. This means that the Faculty will facilitate the acquisition of relevant knowledge and experience by our students, so that they can acquire the basis for life long learning and the full range of skills necessary for careers in the modern Languages. The BAU Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology is committed to contributing to the academic community of scholars and to sharing with the private and public sectors across many nations of the world!
If you aspire to a career in one of the core areas of Arts, Law and Criminology, you should think of completing a Degree course with us. In th process of choosing which Arts, Law and Criminology faculty to apply to, you must consider your hopes and expectations together with what the available programs have to offer.
The BAU Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology programs offer to you the following: integration of the functional areas of management; a balanced yet dynamic curriculum with emphasis on computer literacy and communication skills; global perspective; small class sizes; a reputed Faculty; internship program; excellent library and Computer facilities; and a congenial and stimulating learning environment. If these count strongly in your expectations of a program in modern Languages and allied disciplines, then you should give serious consideration to the BAU Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology. We offer students an experience that will prepare them for the challenge of today’s and future society.
Our Faculty is one of the greatest assets of the BAU programs. The Faculty teaches all courses with excellent reputations in our Professors’ respective fields. Most BAU Faculty members have obtained Doctorate Degrees from world-class universities. Among their ranks are winners of excellence-in-teaching awards, editors/associate editors of national and international journals, reviewers and assessors, and researchers with national and international reputations. BAU Faculty members are actively involved in locally, federally and privately sponsored research. They provide consultative services to private and public sector organizations. They are involved in regional, national and international organizations in various capacities. Some of them have wide-ranging global experience in developing, designing and teaching executive training programs. All these enriching experiences benefit the classroom environment significantly.
BAU Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology Students can also obtain experiential global learning through international internships. In a world dominated by information technology, computer literacy is absolutely essential. The BAU Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology programs impart computer literacy through workshops, a compulsory information systems course, and the integration of the use of the computers into several courses. Students planning a career in modern Languages require strong communication skills; both written and oral. The BAU Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology curricula include a compulsory course in audition, diction and phonetics which enhances proficiency in organizational communications. To help students develop the communication skills, they will need several courses place an emphasis on written and oral presentation in terms of seminar papers. The supportive learning environment in our classrooms helps students build the confidence they need to sharpen their presentation skills.
he BAU Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology courses focus on applications of skills and knowledge. The internship programs provide students with the opportunity to gain “hands on” experience at work. Case studies encourages practical demonstrations of excellence, projects and theses are indicators of the programs’ emphasis on practical applications. BAU Faculty of Arts, Law and Criminology students have access to the most advanced computers, library, instructional and research facilities. Students have their own lounge and computer laboratory. And Electronic access to most domestic as well as first class Libraries is available via Internet facilities.