Vice President’s Office
This is an arm of the President’s Office that renders assistance to the President in his academic and administrative functions. The Vice President may act for the President anytime the latter is not around. He/she may also function and perform such duties as the President may assign to him from time to time.
Public Relations Unit
The Public Relations Unit is another integral arm of the President’s Office. The unit is charged with the responsibility of projecting the corporate image of the University as well as its activities and programs both within and outside the University community.
Academic Planning Unit
The Academic Planning Unit is the section of the President’s Office that takes charge of, and coordinate, Academic Planning matters within the University. The Unit keeps in its custody relevant information concerning the academic departments and programs of the University. It is in charge of Management Information System (MIS) relating to Academic Planning (data acquisition on students and academic staff) and also compare notes from time to time with sister Universitys on academic planning activities.
Internal Audit Unit
The Internal Audit Unit is the arm of the President’s Office that is charged with auditing of general expenditure, procurement, budgetary control, loans, advances, etc. The Auditor may advise the President on irregular or unauthorized financial spendings. Similarly, the Unit coordinates the audit activities of the University keeping adequate watch on finances.
Security Section
The University Security Section is composed of qualified and experienced ex-service personnel. This Section is responsible for the protection of life and property on the campuses. The Section provides guidance on movement and locating of visitors particularly fresh students on entering the University campuses. It is a part of the President’s Office which is under the direct supervision of the Vice President.
The Registrar’s Office
The Registrar is the Chief Administrative Officer in charge of the Registry, and the general overseer of the University administration. The Registrar’s office is the coordinating center for activities of all other divisions in the registry. Instructions are received from the Office by the various divisions in running the affairs of the Department. The Registrar is the Chief Administrative Adviser to the President on general day-to-day administration of the University. He is the Secretary to the Governing Council as well as the Senate of the University. By virtue of his position, the Registrar is the custodian of the University’s records. He interprets the Statutes, Rules and Regulations guiding the administration of the University. The Registrar is responsible to the President for the day-to-day administration of the University. The University organizational structure depicts its administrative pattern, which is geared towards the advancement of effective teaching and learning, as well as the general welfare of her students and staff. All correspondence concerning the affairs of the University are addressed to the Registrar.
Council Affairs Division
The Council Affairs Division services the Governing Council and its Committees; and handles all matters pertaining to their correspondence and welfare. The division keeps records of all Council activities and it is directly under the supervision and control of the Registrar, who also is the Secretary to the Council and the Council Committees.
Documentation Unit
The Documentation Unit handles matters relating to keeping and updating of records, and it is also involved in the preparation of the Section’s input into the budget/estimate of the Registrar’s Department. The Unit designs and reviews proforma for the use of the Section to obtain information from staff and students as and when necessary.
Academic Affairs Division
The Academic Affairs Division in the Registrar’s Department is responsible to the Registrar for all matters pertaining to:
(i) Admission and Registration of students;
(ii) Examinations;
(iii) Records and statistics on (i) and (ii) above and,
(iv) Other academic records and matters.
The division keeps in custody for the University, the Standing Rules and Regulations on academic matters and see to their implementation and interpretation to students, staff and the general public. The division services the Senate and some of its Committees, e.g., Admissions Committee and it deals with important programs such as Matriculation, Graduation or Convocation matters, and award of prizes to students. It is the division that sees to the overall supervision, opening, updating and safekeeping of Students’ Academic Records. Preparation of Students’ Statistics for both internal and external consumption is one of the major functions of the division. It is the division that is in charge of designing, printing, sales, collection and processing of application forms for Admission. It is responsible for collation as well as verification of Students’ admission credentials. It attends to all complaints on issues relating to admission matters and publicize the list of the names of candidates offered admission into the University.
In addition, the division, in liaison with the Academic Departments, is responsible for the processing of examination results for the consideration and approval of the Senate. It also takes charge of sponsorship, scholarship and endowments for students and liaise with sponsors and parents on students’ academic results and performances. Finally, the division deals with information on students and enquiries from other Universities and employers of labor as regards their academic records.
Students’ Affairs Division
The Students’ Affairs Division is made up of two Units, namely: Students Affairs Unit and University Sports Unit. Students Affairs Unit of the Registry is responsible for the general welfare of students along side with guidance and counseling services for both students and staff. The objective of the Unit is to assist students mainly to cope with and improve on their academic performance, choice of future careers while providing guidance and counseling in other personal/social, informative, psychological and referral areas. The unit also deals with the following:
(i) Distribution of Identify Cards to students;
(ii) National Youth Service Corps Matters mobilization, posting and welfare where applicable;
(iii) Student Matters;
(iv) Students’ Clubs, Societies and Associations, and
(v) Students’ Orientation Programs
The University’s Sports Unit is the Unit that arranges sporting activities in the University. It also organizes and conducts sporting exercises for students and staff of the University while at the same time it is the custodian of all sporting equipment and keep their records. The Sports Unit has different types of facilities like the Football Field, Athletics Field, Badminton Court and Table Tennis equipment. The Lawn-Tennis Court, Volleyball Court, Basketball Court, Handball Court are also under the control of the University Sports Centre. Practices in various sports are held every Wednesday from 12.00 noon, the period, which has been declared lecture free by the University Management. The University has a Sports Committee that sees to the smooth running of sporting activities. Both staff and students are usually represented in the Committee.
The Sports Committee organizes both intramural and extramural competitions for the students and staff. The University draws up a program of sporting events and this is followed very strictly. Other sporting activities in which the Sports’ Unit arrages competitions include Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, Handball, Table Tennis and a yearly sponsored Cup Competition in football. The Sports Committee engages students in external competitions that will make the University to be a force to be reckoned with in the sporting area!
Industrial Liaison and Placement Division
This Division is in charge of Students Industrial Works Experience Scheme (SIWES), which is a desirable and compulsory part of the University academic programs. It is a skill training program designed to expose students to work methods and experience in handling equipment and machinery that may not be available in the Universities. It also strengthens employers’ involvements in the entire educational and practical training processes towards ensuring a proper exposure and adequate preparation of the students for employment in the industry.
Personnel and General Administration Division
This division is made up of four units, namely: Establishments Unit (for Senior and Junior Staff), Welfare Unit, General Administration Unit and Legal Affairs Unit. The University places premium on effective personnel or human resources management. This is because the successful attainment of the University’s objectives depends, to a large extent, on the type and quality of its staff. Consequently, this division, through its sub-units, has the responsibility of ensuring that adequate, qualified and experienced staff is maintained in the University at all levels from time to time. The division also makes arrangement for constant staff development programs, by way of training and retraining within and outside the University, inclusive of participation in overseas short courses, seminar and technical workshops.
- Establishments Unit: It is the duty of this unit to assist the Registrar in all matters pertaining to general administration and collection of administrative data, and taking reports and maintaining personnel records. It maintains and takes custody of statutory records and documents, including preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports. This Unit is further sub-divided into two; namely, Senior Staff Establishment and Junior Staff Establishment.
- General Administrative Unit: The Unit handles personnel matters; recruitment, promotion or advancement, deployment, discipline and industrial relations while it also applies and interprets administrative regulations. It is the responsibility of this Unit to maintain and take custody of statutory records and documents, coupled with initiating and implementing approved training policy and programs. Other responsibilities of this Unit include assisting in formulating administrative budget proposals and where necessary, checking administrative vote.
- Welfare Unit: The Welfare Unit, as the name suggests, deals with matters concerning general staff welfare in terms of staff housing, industrial and labor relations, sundry matters on staff welfare and staff legal matters. It also handles matters relating to pension and gratuities of retired staff. The underlying objective of the unit is to ensure a lubricated staff integration into and sustenance in the University community by attending to their needs and creating conducive atmosphere for self actualization in a scenario of job satisfaction.
- Legal Affairs Unit: The Legal Affairs Unit handles all legal issues, documentations for, and on behalf, of the University.
Other Service Departments
Apart from the President’s Office and the Registry, the following non-academic Departments also render administrative services to the University.
- Bursary Department: A Bursar, who is an academically and/or professionally qualified accountant, heads the Bursary Department of the University and is the Chief Financial Officer of the University. The Department is responsible for all financial matters of the University including the interpretation and implementation of financial regulations and policies. Besides, the Department is charged with the responsibility of issuing receipts to students, staff and the University clients, in respect of payments for registration, and other fees and charges. The Bursar may allow for consultation with the management on issues relating to fees and other charges in responding to Students’ demands. The Bursary Department is responsible directly to the President of the University,
- Maintenance and Works Department: This Department is an all purpose one, charged with the responsibility of providing transport facilities to the various Departments and students and the duty of ensuring that the University properties are adequately serviced and properly maintained at all times. A Chief Technical Officer heads it. The Department consists of building/civil works, mechanical works, Physical Development Unit (PDU), electrical works, plumbing, painting and cleaning divisions. By the calibre of its competent staff, the Department also offers services to the Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Studies on some practical aspects of their courses. The functional relationship between this Department and the academic Departments goes a long way to complement the students’ practical experience during the period of study in the University. The Chief Technical Officer of the University receives inquiries and deal with any complaints from the management, the departments and the students on general maintenance of the University,
- Health Centre: A Senior Medical Officer heads the Health Centre as a vital welfare service Unit of the University and able Nurses are alwaya on duty to assist the Medical Officer. It is the responsibility of this Centre to ensure that students, staff and their dependants are constantly in good condition of health. The Center also endeavors to see to the prevention of epidemics by maintaining high standards of nursing care, keeping clean environment and giving Health Education to all members of the University community and their immediate environs. Students are able to receive treatment at the Health Centre between the hours of 8.00am and 4.30pm daily, but emergency cases is attended to at any time. The University Cafeteria and other food vendors on the Campus are subjected to close supervision of the Health Centre. Other services of the Centre include Family Planning, Counselling and Health Education talks on drug abuse, personal and environmental hygiene, and sexually transmitted diseases. In order to prevent epidemics, students, staff and other members of the University Community enjoy prompt vaccination programs,
- Library Department: The University Librarian heads the Library. The Library is seen as a rallying point for all the student and staff of the University regardless of their courses and occupations. Its main responsibility is to ensure a comprehensive provision of books and non-book materials for all the subjects being taught in the University; hence, the Library is classified as an academic Department, and
- The Computer Centre: The University Computer Centre offers full services of technical assistance to potential users. The installation is equipped with appropriate mix of modern computer systems. Computer Bureaux and Consultancy Services is available in this Centre for individuals and corporate bodies who want to utilize such facilities. For further information in this respect, interested parties are free to contact the Computer Services Manager.
General Information on Administration
Accommodation and Transportation
We are proud to state that BAU, provides very conducive accommodation and transportation services to her students at affordable cost and maximum security. Interested students and parents/guardians are free to contact the House Master, Student Support Office of the University for inquiries on accommodation and transportation. Meanwhile, the University allows public transport to convey students to and from the Campuses to complement the available internal facilities.
Students Unionism
At the moment, Partisan University Students Unionism is not allowed in the University in order to avoid disruption in the smooth academic and professional pursuits of the University arising from students ganging up unnecessarily against the management. The only forms of students’ representations, which are allowed, in the University are the one appointed by the management from time to time according to the need of the University and Departmental as well as Faculty Professional Students Associations. This policy statement is aimed at ensuring uninterrupted and strict compliance with the academic calendar of the University. However, if in future we are sure of adequate discipline among our students populace, this policy may be reversed.
Multilingual System
BAU has joined the league of individuals and organizations worldwide advocating multilingual systems of education particularly. This follows from the fact that since the University is expected to play a leading role in the world educational sector, we can no longer limit our operations and relevance to the Anglophone countries alone. The educational activities of the University have to be planned in such a way that they will be relevant to the entire world rather than only the English speaking countries. If the University is to play her role as the giant of the education industries globally, we must look far and wide spreading our tentacles to capture and utilize anything that would bring about proper integration of mental, physical and other resources of the peoples of the world. This will reduce the intensity of the developed-developing dichotomy at the international and intercontinental levels via the language barriers.
BAU Community Bank
The University has a plan to estalish a University Community Bank in future, which shall assist the University in its financial operations.
BAU International School
There is an International School, which operates Nursery, Primary and Secondary School Systems. This will assist the staff of the University as well as the immediate University community in taking care of their children and help bringing them up with a sound education. The school also serves as a feeder into the various BAU academic and professional programs.